Our Coaches
Our dedicated and passionate coaches, former competitive athletes, offer years of coaching and personal experience, devotion, and patience to make every child fall in love with this beautiful Olympic Sport.
​Tatiana Kartseva : Owner, Head Coach, Judge
Birthday : Sept. 10

​45 years Experience in Rhythmic Gymnastics
35 years Coaching Experience
Elite National & International Competitor
3 times National Champion of Kazakhstan
Former Kazakhstan National Team Member
Former USSR National Team Member
USSR “Master of Sport” (highest sports title awarded)
Coach of 5 former National Team Members
Qualified over 50 gymnasts for Junior Olympics Championships
International FIG Brevet Judge
Certified by the United States Gymnastics Federation, Safety Certified
Bachelors of Science Degree in Physical Education and Physical Therapy​

Nastia Kartseva : Manager, Head Coach, Judge, Choreographer
Birthday : March 21
​25 years Experience in Rhythmic Gymnastics
15 years Coaching Experience
National & International Competitor
State & Regional Champion
​​Qualified over 35 gymnasts for Junior Olympics Championships
USAG National Judge
​Certified by the United States Gymnastics Federation, Safety Certified
Bachelors of Business Administration, SMU​

Former National and USSR Team Member